Female Surgical Options?
Hysteroscopy – A hysteroscopy is an outpatient procedure in which your doctor will use a narrow fiberoptic telescope inserted into your uterus through your cervix, to look for and sometimes remove adhesions inside your uterus.
Laparoscopy – A laparoscopy is an outpatient surgical procedure in which your doctor will use a narrow fiberoptic telescope inserted through an incision near your navel to look for and sometimes remove adhesions in your pelvic cavity, remove ovarian cysts or remove or repair a fluid-filled hydrosalpinx.
Fallopian Tube Sterilization Reversal (reanastomosis) – A tubal reversal is a surgical procedure performed to reconnect the two ends of the fallopian tubes in an effort to reverse sterilization.
Hydrosalpinx removal – A hydrosalpinx is an obstructed fallopian tube that leads to an accumulation of fluid. Removal of the affected tube can increase IVF success rates.
Male Surgical Options
Testicular biopsy – Testicular biopsy performed as an in-office surgical procedure in which several small pieces of testicular tissue are removed and examined for sperm which can be used in fertility procedures.
Testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) – A TESA procedure involves a needle biopsy of the testicle in which a sample of tissue is taken directly from the testis and used to extract sperm for IVF or ICSI.
Percutaneous sperm aspiration (PESA) – PESA is a procedure involving a needle inserted into the epididymis in an effort to locate and aspirate a pocket of sperm.
Vasectomy reversal – A vasectomy reversal is often performed as an outpatient procedure and is done to reverse a previous vasectomy and restore the male’s ability to release sperm into his semen from the testicles.