Personal Details
Doctor Name Dr Sunil Singhal
Primary Specialty Urologist
Experience 18+ Years
Education & Training
Dr. Sunil Singhal is a Super Specialist Uro Surgeon, M.S. & M.Ch. from S.M.S.M.C. Jaipur . He is giving Expert Services in the field of Urology since 18 years & performed over more than 9000 Urological procedures with excellent results. He provides patient with Comprehensive Evidence-Based Advise & Treatment He has Installed Latest Technological Advancess in the field of Urology in Indore. First HOLMIUM LASER of M.P. (2006), BIPOLAR TURP (2006) and RIRS (2006). He Introduced first and Only USG Guide Dornier-Sigma LITHOTRIPSY Machine to Indore.